07 April 2006

Being pedantic

Whinge of the day.

Will people please stop saying things like:

"at 10 a.m. in the morning".


Quick lesson:

'a.m.' stands for 'ante meridiem' - the Latin for 'before noon'.
'p.m.' stands for 'post meridiem' - the Latin for 'after noon'.

So, by saying '10 a.m. in the morning', you are actually saying '10 before noon in the morning'.

This is a phenomenon known as 'tautology' - unnecessarily saying the same thing twice.


Cooldrums said...

I know double negatives just ain't not what they used to be :-P
some people just need to learn proper England

Anonymous said...

A firm i no longer work for used to send out memo's with the time for meetings as 09:00hrs am :os