29 January 2007

Those bloody brake lights again

Now why on earth didn't I think of this?


Anonymous said...

Better still, make it compulsory for manufacturers to fit an engine cut-out on all new cars that is activated once a car has been stationary for three seconds with the foot brake applied.
You cannot legislate for individual incompetence, however you can legislate for manufacturers to remind individuals of their incompetence.

Oz said...

We don't want to be 'glared', do we now?

If you can't legislate for incompetence, why are there laws about the use of fog lights and mobile phones for that matter then? Oh, you mean they won't make any difference - you're probably right.

Why not just make it an offence NOT to kick their lights in if they're stopped in front of you?

Womble said...

Believe me, I've thought about the kicking thing many times.

Have you seen that the IAM is doing a survey on the use of hand-held mobile phones? I'm doing it, but they could have picked a time of year when it's not dark at rush hour - it makes it harder to see inside peoples' cars and I have to take my eyes of my newspaper to see them...

Oz said...

I had seen the survey, but my sense of outrage and incandescent rage causes the forms to spontaneously combust.