19 July 2006

Can I start again, please?

So far today:
  • I dropped and broke the glass soapdish in the bathroom, cutting my leg in the process
  • I left my cash at home and had to go back for it
  • I locked my office keys in the office and had to go and get the second set off the cleaner
  • The bank told me I can't have a temporary overdraft facility, even though I've had an account with them for over 20 years and have never gone overdrawn. Apparently it's because I opened a second account a months ago, and they say I haven't put enough money through it yet, even though it's my old account I want the overdraft on. They did, however, try to sell me a credit card again, despite the fact I've already got one that I don't use.
  • My laptop overheated and shut itself down in protest, despite the fact that it has internal fans, a heavy-duty 'cooling pad' and the office fan all dedicated to keeping it happy.

So, if you don't mind, I'd really like to go home and sit in the garden with a nice cold beer.

1 comment:

Spikey said...

Big huggles for the Womble :o)