22 November 2010


Why do retailers of 'white goods' always announce "and we'll even take away your old one for free!" as though it's some sort of special deal?

They're legally required to do this under the Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Directive.


Really Green Credentials said...

Hi.. Sorry to have to correct you.. Under the UK WEEE Regulations Producers of household electrical & electronic equipment are only required to pay for the collection & recycling of WEEE that has been taken back at a retailer ( when buying a similar item) or at a Designated Collection Facility (like a Civic Amenity Recycling Centre).

There is no requirement for Producers or retailers to provide a free collection from your own home.

For any other WEEE concerns please do check my website www.reallygreencredentials.com. I have 10 years experience in the WEEE Market & am a specialist in Producer Responsibility Legislation.


Julie-Ann Adams

Womble said...

I stand corrected!

Thank you Julie-Ann, and I will have a look at your website.