I have a sneaky suspicion that we may have a roost in our roof. I don't mind at all, but I'd prefer them not to be flying around my living room. Last time, we had one in the bedroom and I nearly shit myself when it flew out from the curtains.

Anyway, I think I might give the local conservation guys a call, just to see what I should do if it happens again.

Sure your not using your GOTH powers on them ;) :p
wossat, Get Outta The House?
HI Stranger
I knew you had gone Gothic but that is stretching it a bit far.
Anyway how are you doing, not heard from you in ages.
Cheers Gordon
Warrington Group
It was a very nice bat. I'm gonna call it Nora.
I'll see you on Monday if you're out for the Fylde ride :o)
Not sure about Goth Powers but She always was a bit batty anyway.
The best thing to do is play the fiddle that screaching would scare anything off ;-P
Any bite marks around the neck?
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